Shocking news: Trump’s storytelling is more powerful than life itself.

Caricature by DonkeyHotey

No one wants to believe what has happened to the United States. and now, no one wants to believe what is happening again. It’s not a question of right or wrong, it’s not a question about facts, Covid-19, the economy or climate change. It all comes down to one harsh fact: storytelling.

Storytelling is stronger than any fact or any reality, it is what captures the hearts and minds of us all. So when Trump makes up his false reality to cater to his audience, not only are they hearing what they want to hear, but their hearts are beating faster and their oxcytosin and dopamine levels are surging. That means satisfaction. Deep, down satisfaction.

So as the forest fires consume California and Oregon, as the climate change batters Louisiana, Florida and Mississippi with the worst hurricanes of the century, as the farmers in the mid-west loose about 16% of their sales which once went to China and which has been blocked by Trump’s tariffs, and as Covid-19 rages, most Americans are deeply satisfied by Trump’s storytelling. It’s as simple as that. The Pied Piper has returned.



ROZZO / Edward

Education activist, Professor at Università Bocconi, Visiting Professor SDA Bocconi, Università Cattolica di Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Polidesign di Milano